International Residential Property Charter
For the purposes of this Charter the term “Agent” refers to principals, partners and directors and all members of their staff. “Client” Means the property owner, buyer or developer who has retained the Agent. “Customer” or “applicant” means any person or entity to whom a property is marketed.
The Property Shop (the Agent) adopts the following charter for International Residential Property Transactions.
The Agent will:
maintain up to date knowledge of and ensure compliance with all relevant legislation.
not discriminate on any grounds.
not bring disrepute to themselves or the profession
act with honesty and integrity at all times
maintain fairness, decency, accuracy and honesty in advertising.
maintain the confidentiality of client and customer information
keep clients' and customers' money in a separate account held for that purpose.
act at all times in the interests of their clients and applicants
not make any false, misleading or exaggerated claims.
provide written confirmation of terms of business to the client.
make all appropriate enquiries of prospective purchasers.
communicate all offers without delay
recommend all customers take independent legal advice
- act with responsibility towards all properties under their control