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St.Helena photo gallery West Rocks
West Rocks


Privacy and Data Protection Policies

The Property Shop adheres to best practice with regard to data protection of our customers’ personal and financial information.

The personal information  you give us will be treated in confidence and will not be disclosed to any third parties except where permitted or required by law, or where your consent has been received, either explicitly or implicitly as a consequence of entering into a contract with us, in order to provide the service you require. Under our adherence to best practice in privacy and data protection, a customer’s information will be held on our systems and may be used in the following ways:

You may request a summary of any personal details we have retained. To do so, you should make the request in writing with a valid signature..

Client Money

The Property Shop maintains more than one bank account at the Bank of St.Helena. For money that does not belong to the company, including customer/client deposits, transitional payments, rents collected etc, a 'Client Money' account, monitored by the Bank for suspicious transactions, is used exclusively. The Property Shop does not maintain one account per customer, but keeps separate account of the owner of the deposited funds in the consolidated Client Money account. None of this information is ever made available to persons or organisations outside of the company.


This website does not use Cookies. We do not have relationships with third party web service providers, traffic analysers, or advertisers who would potentially use cookies for their own purposes.

We may, with your consent, retain your contact details for use in direct marketing of opportunities in which you have explicitly shown an interest. At all times, you may request that your inclusion in such distribution lists be discontinued.

If you have any queries about these policies, please use out Contact Us page.